Finding Time to Work Out with A Busy Schedule


Working out is a good way to stay in shape. It's not only good for your heart, but it's also good for your mental health too. Exercising releases a chemical in your body called endorphins, which make you feel good. The pandemic has taken a toll on everybody, not just mentally but physically. I know that I put on a few pounds from being stuck at home for a long period of time. Also, being unable to go out and do the things I was able to do before the pandemic really sucked. After I work out, I’m in a good mood, which helped me mentally, and losing weight is a bonus. What if you have a busy schedule and have no time to exercise? I know with my schedule I must squeeze in as much exercise as I can. I work full-time, have 5 children, have house chores, have a podcast called Murder Speaks, a YouTube channel called Murder Speaks, an online store called Krystal Kiss and I write books ( So, how do I do it?

I must get up early in the morning to work out. I love the idea of joining a gym. When I was younger, before I got married and had children, I used to always go to the gym. I just love the atmosphere of the gym. However, it’s a little more difficult when you have children. I mean, I could get in my car and drive to the gym in the morning but it’s more of a hassle because I have so much to do in the morning before my children go to school and I go to work. Driving to and from the gym would waste time that I could spend doing something productive. For example, I prepare dinner every morning and cook it in my crock pot. I use my crock pot a lot. I love using it because by the time I get off work our dinner is done. Unfortunately, my children are picky eaters, and they will not eat the food that I cook in the crock pot, so I must make them something for dinner when I finish work. I also must prepare their lunches for school and sign their agendas for school the next day. So, a while ago I purchased a stationary bike. I have weights, a yoga mat, and my phone. There’s a couple of apps that I use on my phone to exercise, and I use my bike while I’m watching television. Sometimes I ride my bike in the evenings. I just put on one my favourite shows and start pedaling. I have a lot of workout videos that I do sometimes, but I prefer to work out in my room instead of going downstairs, putting on the television and putting in the video. I’m comfortable when I work out in my true crime leggings. They are made of stretchy fabric that provides the perfect fit while remaining cool and comfortable during my workout, and they come in three different styles! I get up at 5am and work out for about an hour and fifteen minutes. I do a lot of strength training and abs and I finish with my bike. It’s a great way to start my day and it’s cheaper than paying for a gym membership!

Doing housework is another great way to stay active. Did I mention I also have four dogs? So, I’m always on the go. Changing their pee pads, feeding them, walking them and playing with them. We all know that laundry is a never-ending story. The worst part is folding the clothes and putting them away. There’s seven people and four dogs living in my house so you can imagine how much laundry I must do. It’s a workout carrying the baskets up and down the stairs. Thankfully, my older children do their own laundry and help with the chores. Vacuuming and cleaning the floors is another good way to get cardio. I really enjoy taking my dogs for a walk. A couple of my dogs like to walk fast when I’m walking them, so they pull the leash, which causes me to walk faster. Now that Spring is coming, I’m looking forward to going for more walks. I notice it’s starting to get darker a little later. Walking is a great form of exercise. You could burn a lot of calories, depending on your pace, which means more weight loss. If you want to burn even more calories add weights to your ankles or wrists or hold weights in your hand. If you work during the day you can go for a quick walk on your break or lunch or in the morning before you start work if you have time. If it’s cool outside throw on one my true crime hoodies.

I really enjoy Just Dance. Not just because I love dancing, but because it’s a great way to have fun while exercising. Sometimes when my kids play Just Dance I do it with them as it’s a great way to get some exercise. Sometimes I’ll put on YouTube and dance to some of my favourite songs.

If you have a busy schedule, you must be creative. If your kids are older and you enjoy going to the gym, then getting a gym membership isn’t a bad idea. If they have a pool that’s even better because swimming is a great form of exercise. If you want to save money and are self-motivated then working out at home is better for you. Getting something stationary like a bike or a treadmill is handy because you can do it while you’re watching a good show or movie. Go for a walk around the block. If doing chores is the only thing that gets you moving, then go for it. If you don’t have a lot of chores, then throw on some music and shake your booty. Remember that any type of exercise is better than no exercise at all.


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